The book has 380 pages with hundreds of graphics in full color. The book is complete and also has excerpts listing the similarities and differences from the international, ISO standards on dimensioning and tolerancing. It has tables of symbols and an appendix that lists all the improvements and changes from the earlier ASME Y14.5M-1994 standard so it can be used to interpret the 2009 or earlier standards on geometric tolerancing. It is written to the ASME Y14.5-2009 standard on dimensioning and tolerancing.

The book was released in mid-2009 and is recognized as the “Gold Standard” to interpreting geometric tolerancing. Whether you are learning through our GeoTol Pro 2009 Online Program, presenting the GeoTol Pro 2009 Fundamentals PowerPoint to a classroom or watching our GeoTol Pro 2009 Fundamentals DVD series, this book follows along and allows you to work out the exercises presented in each of these programs.

The GeoTol Pro book is a professional grade, must-have companion for all personnel using geometric tolerancing.